Stelo Technology

API Testing

Enhance Your Software’s Performance with Expert API Testing Solutions from Stelo Technology

Benefits of Stelo Technology's
Manual Testing Services:

APIs are the backbone of modern applications, but ensuring their smooth operation requires rigorous testing.

At Stelo Technology, we provide a comprehensive suite of API testing services designed to empower your business with:

Guaranteed functionality

Rigorous API testing ensures flawless results, diverse data handling, and seamless integration.

Unwavering security

Our API security testing shields your application from breaches and vulnerabilities.

Seamless integration

We ensure harmonious API interaction for a smooth user experience.

Faster time-to-market

Proactive API defect resolution expedites your application launch.

api testing
Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Stelo Technology boasts a team of seasoned API testing professionals with a proven track record of success. We leverage industry-best practices and cutting-edge tools to deliver unparalleled testing solutions. 

Our team specializes in testing APIs across different layers of your software stack:

  • Client Layer
  • Server Layer
  • Database Layer
  • 2xx: Success

We Offer

Stelo Technology offers a comprehensive range of API testing services to cater to your specific needs:

  • Web API Testing (SOAP & REST):

    Our proficient experts thoroughly test both SOAP and REST APIs, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all functionalities and integrations.

  • API Automated Testing

    We automate API testing processes to streamline regression testing, defect prevention, and accelerate development cycles efficiently.

  • API Performance Testing

    Identifying performance bottlenecks, we optimize API performance to guarantee a seamless user experience even under heavy loads.

  • API Security Testing

    With meticulous assessment, we fortify your APIs against vulnerabilities, safeguarding your application and user data from potential security breaches.

  • Business-Driven API Testing

    Aligning with your business goals, we conduct API testing strategically, mitigating potential business risks and ensuring alignment with your overarching objectives.

  • Negative Testing

    We simulate unexpected user inputs to verify that your APIs can gracefully handle errors, maintaining application stability and resilience in real-world scenarios.


Get a Free Quote Today!

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

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Your Benefits

What happens next?

1  We Schedule a call at your convenience 

2  We do a discovery and consulting meting 

3  We prepare a proposal