Stelo Technology

Performance Testing

Maximize Your Application’s Potential with Expert Performance Testing Solutions by Stelo Technology

Benefits of Stelo Technology's Performance Testing Services:

At Stelo Technology, we understand that efficient load and performance testing are not just technical necessities but integral components of your business success.

Our expert team is dedicated to testing your applications under high loads, ensuring operational capabilities are measured, validated, and verified to provide a flawless customer experience. Benefits of Stelo Technology’s Performance Testing:

Seamless Performance Across SDLC

We integrate seamlessly into your development lifecycle, ensuring performance is optimized at every stage.

Enhanced Reliability & Scalability

Our tests identify bottlenecks and ensure your applications can handle growing user demands.

Reduced Costs & Faster Time-to-Market

Early detection of performance issues saves time and resources during development.

Improved User Experience

Fast, responsive applications lead to higher customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Performance Testing
Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Stelo Technology boasts a team of performance testing veterans with a proven track record. We leverage the latest tools and methodologies to deliver unmatched results:

    • In-depth Expertise: Our engineers are skilled in crafting custom performance testing strategies for diverse applications.
    • Tool Mastery: We are proficient in leading commercial tools (LoadRunner, NeoLoad) and open-source options (JMeter, Selenium).
    • Data-Driven Approach: We meticulously analyze test results to identify areas for improvement and optimize performance.

We Offer

Stelo Technology offers a comprehensive suite of performance testing services to address all your application needs:

  • Web Automation Testing

    Employing Selenium and Playwright, we validate the seamless functionality of your web applications across diverse browsers and devices, ensuring optimal performance.

  • Continuous Integration Testing

    Integrate comprehensive testing into your development workflow with Jenkins, identifying issues early on and maintaining consistent high quality throughout the development lifecycle.

  • Load Testing

    Simulates real-world user traffic to identify performance bottlenecks, ensuring your application can handle expected loads efficiently.

  • Stress Testing

    Pushes applications beyond expected loads to ensure stability under duress, safeguarding against crashes or performance degradation during peak usage.

  • Volume Testing

    Evaluates application behavior under high data volumes, ensuring scalability and performance remain intact even as data grows.

  • Scalability Testing

    Assesses the application's ability to adapt to increased user demands, ensuring it can seamlessly handle growth without compromising performance or reliability.


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We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

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Your Benefits

What happens next?

1  We Schedule a call at your convenience 

2  We do a discovery and consulting meting 

3  We prepare a proposal