Stelo Technology

Automation Testing

Streamline Your Releases, Reduce Costs, and Deliver          High-Quality Software Faster with Automation Testing

Benefits of Stelo Technology's Automation Testing Services:

At Stelo Technology, we recognize the critical importance of automation testing in today’s fast-paced software development environments.

Our services are designed to enhance your operational efficiency and ensure significant cost savings, providing a robust return on investment:

Reduced QA Costs

Minimize manual efforts and optimize resource allocation with our advanced automation techniques, significantly cutting long-term expenses.

Enhanced Software Quality

Through precise and consistent testing, we eliminate human errors, ensuring your software is robust and reliable.

Increased Release Speed

Automate routine and repetitive tasks to fast-track your software delivery, without compromising on quality.

Improved Test Coverage

With comprehensive testing strategies, we cover more ground to ensure your software performs flawlessly in all scenarios.

Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

At Stelo Technology, our approach to automation testing goes beyond routine. We offer a holistic service that encompasses:

    • Strategic Planning: Collaborate with us to develop a tailored automation strategy that aligns with your business objectives.
    • Tool Selection: Our experts evaluate your needs to recommend the best automation tools, balancing cost and technical requirements. We specialize in utilizing top-tier technologies like Selenium, Playwright, and Cypress for optimal outcomes.
    • Continuous Integration: We integrate automated testing into your CI/CD pipeline, enhancing the continuity and quality of your development process.
    • Ongoing Support: Our commitment extends beyond initial implementation. We ensure your testing frameworks stay current and efficient with continuous updates and support.

We Offer

Stelo Technology offers a wide range of automation testing services to cater to your specific requirements:

  • Web Automation Testing

    Employing Selenium and Playwright, we validate the seamless functionality of your web applications across diverse browsers and devices, ensuring optimal performance.

  • Mobile Automation Testing:

    Utilizing Cypress, we accelerate testing across various mobile platforms, elevating app performance and user experience to new heights.

  • API Testing Automation

    By automating API testing, we assure seamless integration and functionality, mitigating risks and ensuring system reliability.

  • Continuous Integration Testing

    Integrate comprehensive testing into your development workflow with Jenkins, identifying issues early on and maintaining consistent high quality throughout the development lifecycle.

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing

    Validate your web applications across multiple browsers and devices to ensure a consistent user experience and optimal performance.

  • Performance Testing

    Assess the scalability and responsiveness of your applications under varying loads to optimize performance and enhance user satisfaction.


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We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

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Your Benefits

What happens next?

1  We Schedule a call at your convenience 

2  We do a discovery and consulting meting 

3  We prepare a proposal