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An Overview of Automation Testing Using Python

An Overview of Automation Testing Using Python

For today’s digital enterprises to provide a fantastic customer experience (CX), high-quality software must be developed faster. As a result, the software undergoes extensive testing before being made available on the market, which takes a lot of time.

But in order for enterprises to enter the market quickly, software testing cycles must be shortened, making the use of automation testing conceivable.

What is Automated Software Testing?

Before moving software into production, automated testing software is a practice that assists in ensuring that it functions as intended. In this procedure, the QA teams run the test scripts using automated testing tools.

QA teams may test software more quickly, create defect reports more easily, and compare the results of the programme to what was anticipated with the help of automated software testing technologies. Additionally, this automated testing procedure has many advantages, including quicker delivery, reduced manual testing work, and easier regression testing.

Because automated testing provides faster and higher-quality releases, the QA teams can work more rapidly and assist in pushing software into production as soon as possible in accordance with the established schedules.

Why Automated Software Testing is important?

As previously said, automated software testing employs both free and paid test automation tools to evaluate applications more rapidly and effectively around-the-clock. It adopts several testing methodologies, replaces a number of manual testers’ responsibilities, and effectively increases test coverage overall.

Pre-written scripts are checked as part of this form of software testing to guarantee the deployment of high-quality software. As a result, it is crucial for producing high-quality software more quickly and significantly shortens the time required for regression testing.

This automated software testing approach is crucial since it enables QA teams to rapidly and more efficiently recheck and confirm the results with less manual work.

Additionally, this procedure guarantees that the software programme is effective and faultless.

What are the benefits of Automated Software Testing?

The benefits have been broadly classified as Application-Wise benefits and Cost-wise benefits

Automation Testing Application-Wise Benefits

Increases test coverage:

In order to improve the application’s quality, this approach of automated software testing enables the execution of a greater number of automated test scripts, as well as an increase in test coverage and scope. Additionally, the amount of time spent on manual testing is greatly reduced.

Ensures test accuracy:

Human intervention is a part of manual testing, thus there is a potential that certain problems won’t be caught. While manual test cycles could result in mistakes, automated software testing solutions provide confidence that testing procedures and application validation are carried out accurately because faults are found at every stage.

Eases regression testing time:

Regression testing manually requires a lot of time and labour from the tester, which may result in numerous bugs going undetected. Repeating the same test cases again could make testers lose interest and potentially degrade the effectiveness of the testing process as a whole.

However, if automated regression testing is conducted using testing tools and manual testers are given time to work on other high-quality tasks, these issues can be rectified.

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Facilitates with re-usable test scripts:

When automated software testing is implemented, it makes the tester’s job easier because the test scripts may be reused with a few small tweaks. Additionally, these scripts can be stored, reused, and used several times to run the tests.

Helps to Validate Complex Scenarios effectively:

Given that the majority of today’s applications are complicated apps with connected smart and IoT devices, automated testing as a service is useful in validating a wide range of difficult scenarios. The testing process is made easier by automated testing using various test automation tools because the tools can be employed at any time.

Automated Testing Cost-Wise Benefits

Saves Cost:

Businesses can effectively save money by using automated app testing since it runs test cases more quickly and identifies and fixes bugs before moving them into production. Even while the initial expenses of automation are considerable, once the automated test framework is built, it significantly reduces total costs and makes testing activities easier.

Increases ROI:

Every business strives to get a higher return on its assets. The benefits of creating an efficient test automation framework are enormous because testing can be done more quickly thanks to the tools put in. Additionally, automation testing improves speed to market, produces higher-quality results more quickly, and finally guarantees a higher return on investment.

Saves Time:

Automated software testing helps to save time because tests are executed continuously. Additionally, automated testing technologies automate human scripts, which significantly cuts the time required for regression testing. This ultimately reduces the application delivery time and generally eliminates the need for human labour, saving both time and labour.

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How does Automated Testing work?

Any company that wishes to use automation testing does so using a testing framework strategy. Keyword-driven, data-driven, linear scripting, and modular testing frameworks are the most popular testing frameworks.

A linear scripting framework is used to test tiny applications since it employs test scripts that are easy to plan and do not support reuse scripts.

A software tester creates test scripts to carry out quick, independent tests as part of a modular testing framework to cut down on redundancy.

Software testers can create test scripts that can be applied to various data sets using data-driven frameworks. With fewer tests, this framework provides extensive quality coverage.

Table formats are used to declare keywords for each function and execution mechanism in keyword-driven frameworks. Software testers that lack a strong background in programming might create test scripts using keywords.

The most widely used open-source test automation tools are Cypress, Robotium, and Selenium 4. Selenium works well with well-known programming languages like C#, Java, and Python and can automate and run tests across a variety of web browsers. Robotium works best for system, function, and user acceptance testing on android smartphones. The Cypress tool functions flawlessly with end-to-end testing, integration tests, and unit tests.

What are the most commonly used Automated Testing Tools?


It is the most widely used open source tool for automating various mobile app types, including hybrid, native, and mobile web apps. It works well with Windows desktop, Android mobile, and iOS mobile platforms.

With the help of the cross-platform tool Appium, you can create tests that run on iOS, Android, and Windows while utilising the same application programming interface (API). Any language that Selenium WebDriver supports, including Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript, can be used with the Appium framework.


Eggplant is a powerful automated testing tool that can find things on the screen using both word and image search techniques. It is the only automated testing tool that dynamically evaluates the user interface (UI)’s single source of truth. It can be utilised with a wide range of applications, including enterprise software that are thick client-based, mobile, and web-based. It offers tools for developers and testers to plan, schedule, and carry out automated testing. It also allows debugging jobs on a variety of mobile devices.

Katalon Studio:

An open-source test automation solution for web and mobile applications is called Katalon Studio. It is a collection of strong characteristics that are successfully used to address the difficulties encountered in web UI automation testing. Support for image-based testing and support for scripting languages like Java, Groovy, etc. are a few of its additional features.


Selenium is a widely used and widely available automated testing framework that is available as open-source software that is used for doing web application testing across various platforms and browsers. Programming languages like PHP, C#, Ruby, Python, Perl, Java, and others can be used by testers to create test cases.

There are specialised automated test frameworks for each language that Selenium supports, which facilitate the creation of test scripts for Selenium automation. There is no explicit need to rewrite the test scripts separately for each of the browsers, and a single script works for all, which is another of Selenium Framework’s most helpful features.

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TestComplete is a user-friendly AI-powered automated UI testing tool that can be used to automate testing across desktop, mobile, and online apps. Testers can develop complex automated test scripts without knowing any programming thanks to its outstanding features of record-and-replay and object identification engine. Numerous scripting languages, including JavaScript, Python, VBScript, etc., are supported by this tool.


This AI-driven test automation tool automates complicated tests using plain English. This solution is ideally suited for smart automation initiatives of businesses and is used to automate web, mobile, and API services. It works well with today’s agile and DevOps approaches to satisfy the needs of businesses for continuous integration and continuous delivery.


The more popular automated testing solution that supports end-to-end testing of software applications is Tricentis Tosca. In addition to enabling analytics for testing graphical user interfaces (GUI) and application programming interfaces (API), it is used to automate a number of components of software testing, including developing test cases, carrying out test automation, designing test data, and test data creation. Many firms utilise it as a powerful automated testing solution since it offers thorough test management for software applications.


The tool that has been widely used as a successful test automation tool is HP Unified Functional Testing. Earlier, it was known as QuickTest Professional (QTP). It features a strong automated testing framework, is a licenced product, and only supports VB Script. It is mostly used for functional and regression testing.

What are the Common Challenges in Automated Testing?

1. Need to maintain effective communication between teams:

Agile and DevOps practises call for proper and effective communication between the QA, development, and operations teams in order to assure test automation success while also ensuring speedier releases.

2. Critical to Select the right test automation tool:

Functional testing software from HP It is crucial to use the appropriate automated testing technology based on the application being tested for any automated testing to be successful. Businesses can choose the right tool based on the application individually for web, mobile, and API testing as there are numerous open source and paid automation testing options available.

3. Adopt a proper and effective testing approach:

To ensure the success of test automation, QA should not only select the appropriate test automation tool but also adhere to test automation challenges and best practises. When using agile and DevOps approaches, where the application being tested frequently changes throughout the development cycle, the QA team should carefully design and choose a strategy that best suits these methodologies. So, if adopted, a suitable test automation approach ensures the success of test automation efforts.

4. Analyze tests to be automated:

The QA must consider and examine the scenarios that can be automated. When testers are aware of the scenarios that should and shouldn’t be automated, automation performs at its best. Additionally, it is crucial that the test cases selected for automation accurately reflect a significant amount of user activity.


Businesses and enterprises continue to call for quicker releases and high-quality goods. Software testing is crucial to the creation of high-quality products. Early application testing is crucial to find flaws and guarantee delivery deadlines are met. Although human testing has always been necessary, with the advent of sophisticated applications and connected devices, automated software testing has emerged as a useful technique for increasing test coverage and efficiency.

In order to fully benefit from automated software testing solutions, businesses should use them. These solutions can minimise the time required for regression testing, increase delivery pace with faster releases, and can be utilised around-the-clock to ensure quality.

In order to fully benefit from automated software testing solutions, businesses should use them. These solutions can minimise the time required for regression testing, increase delivery pace with faster releases, and can be utilised around-the-clock to ensure quality.

Q1. What is automated testing in software testing?

Ans. The process of automated testing aids in verifying the software’s functionality. The QA teams employ automated testing technologies in this scenario to run the test scripts.

Q2. How does automated testing work?

Ans. QA teams can swiftly test software, create defect reports, and evaluate software outcomes by using automated software testing solutions.

Q3. Why do automated testing?

Ans. The use of automated software testing methods is crucial because they enable QA teams to rapidly and efficiently recheck and validate the results with minimal human work.

Q4. Can you achieve 100% automation?

Ans. First off, achieving 100% automated testing is typically neither feasible nor desirable.

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