Stelo Technology

Mobile Automation Testing

Elevate Your Mobile App Quality with Stelo Technology’s Comprehensive Mobile Automation Testing Solutions

Benefits of Stelo Technology's Mobile Testing Services:

Stelo Technology offers robust mobile automation testing services designed to enhance your app’s quality and ensure unparalleled customer satisfaction. 

With a staggering 30% of users abandoning apps after a single use, investing in rigorous testing is the key to retaining users and maximizing ROI.

Reduced Risk & Improved Quality

Minimize app crashes and bugs with thorough testing across functionalities using Appium for both iOS and Android platforms.

Enhanced User Experience

Ensure intuitive user flow and eliminate frustrating glitches, offering seamless interaction across all devices.

Faster Time-to-Market

Launch your app confidently with rapid, optimized testing procedures that accelerate development cycles.

Boosted Customer Satisfaction

Deliver a flawless app experience that keeps users engaged and satisfied.

mobile testing
Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Stelo Technology boasts a team of veteran mobile testing professionals with over 20 years of experience. 

We specialize in automation testing of native, web, and hybrid apps for both Android and iOS platforms, utilizing Appium to ensure adherence to strict Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for each platform.

We Offer

Stelo Technology excels in automating mobile regression test suites, enabling efficient execution across multiple devices and simulators, saving you time and resources.

  • Functional Testing

    Verify app features work flawlessly according to design specifications through automated tests.

  • Compatibility Testing

    Guarantee seamless operation across various devices, operating systems, and browsers with comprehensive test coverage.

  • Usability Testing

    Prioritize user experience by ensuring intuitive and efficient task completion through user-centric tests.

  • Security Testing

    Safeguard user data with in-depth testing for vulnerabilities and security breaches.

  • Performance Testing

    Assess app responsiveness, scalability, and overall performance under load to ensure robustness.

  • Automated Testing

    Streamline testing processes with efficient automation of repetitive tasks using Appium, reducing manual effort and increasing coverage.

  • iOS Testing with Appium

    Utilize Appium tools to conduct thorough iOS app testing, ensuring optimal functionality and user experience.

  • Android Testing with Appium Automation Too

    Apply Appium automation tools to streamline Android app testing, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

  • Integration with LambdaTest and BrowserStack

    Leverage these platforms for enhanced compatibility and performance testing across multiple devices.

  • Continuous Integration with Jenkins

    Implement continuous integration workflows to improve development and testing cycles, making them faster and more reliable.


Get a Free Quote Today!

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

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Your Benefits

What happens next?

1  We Schedule a call at your convenience 

2  We do a discovery and consulting meting 

3  We prepare a proposal