Stelo Technology

Security Testing

Protect Your Applications from Cyber Threats with SteloTechnology’s Expert Security Testing Services

Benefits of Stelo Technology's Security Testing Services:

At SteloTechnology, we understand the paramount importance of safeguarding your business from data breaches and cyber attacks. 

Our Security Testing services are meticulously designed to fortify your applications against potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of your valuable data.

Data Protection

Prevents your system from data theft, data corruption, and application defacement, thereby safeguarding sensitive business and customer information.

Enhanced Trust

By proactively identifying and addressing security loopholes, our services boost user and customer trust, fostering long-term relationships and credibility.

Cost Savings

Early detection of security bugs minimizes potential damages and reduces overall costs associated with security breaches and remediation efforts.

Regulatory Compliance

Our expertise in regulatory process security ensures that your applications adhere to industry standards and compliance requirements, mitigating legal risks and penalties.

security testing
Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

Our Expertise Sets Us Apart

At SteloTechnology, we take pride in our team of highly skilled software security testers who are adept at identifying and mitigating security risks across various platforms, including web applications, mobile apps, APIs, and more. 

Our approach is guided by the renowned OWASP recommendations, enabling us to offer comprehensive security solutions tailored to your specific needs.

We Offer

Whether you’re dealing with web applications, mobile apps, APIs, or other platforms, Stelo Technology has you covered. Our comprehensive suite of security testing services includes:

  • Penetration Testing

    Simulate real-world attacks to identify exploitable weaknesses.

  • Standards-Based Testing

    Conduct rigorous scans against established security benchmarks like OWASP.

  • Authentication Testing

    Validate the strength of user login credentials and access controls.

  • Data Validation Testing

    Ensure data integrity by verifying its accuracy and completeness.

  • Authorization Testing

    Verify appropriate access levels for users and applications.

  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) Testing

    Assess your system's resilience against attempts to overload it.


Get a Free Quote Today!

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

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Your Benefits

What happens next?

1  We Schedule a call at your convenience 

2  We do a discovery and consulting meting 

3  We prepare a proposal