Stelo Technology

User Testing for Tampines HealthTech Company

User Testing for Tampines

Stelo Technology has partnered with an User Testing for Tampines HealthTech that is developing innovative apps for remote monitoring of health. The startup wanted to offer comprehensive health solutions, but it faced difficulties in balancing user-friendly interfaces with technical functionality for a variety of user demographics.

Challenge for User Testing for Tampines

The HealthTech startup faced the following challenges:

  • Technical Functionality Assuring the apps provide reliable and accurate health tracking capabilities.
  • User Friendly Interfaces: Create intuitive and accessible user interfaces that are suitable for users with varying levels of technological expertise and age.
  • Diverse Demographics: Meeting the needs and preferences for a wide user base including patients, healthcare professionals, and caregivers.

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Stelo Technology has implemented a manual usability test approach to evaluate the user experience and improve interface design.

  1. Testing for Usability:
    • We conducted extensive manual usability tests with a variety of users in order to collect feedback on app interfaces and the user experience.
    • The focus is on the user’s satisfaction, information clarity, and ease of navigation.
  2. User experience evaluation:
    • The app was evaluated to see how users of different demographics interacted, and identified pain points.
    • Collect detailed feedback in order to understand the needs and preferences specific to different user groups.
  3. Interface Design Refinement:
    • Use the insights gained from usability tests to improve and refine the app interfaces. This will make them more intuitive.
    • The app was updated to reflect the feedback received and improve the user experience.

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Stelo Technology implemented a comprehensive manual usability test approach to improve the HealthTech startup’s performance:

  • Improved Interfaces: The improvements in interface design have resulted into more intuitive and accessible applications, increasing usability for users of diverse demographics.
  • Improved Functionalities: By focusing on the user experience, we ensured that technical functionality was seamlessly integrated into user-friendly interfaces.
  • Increased User Retention Rates: Improved user experience and tailored functionality led to higher levels of user satisfaction and retention, positioning the startup in a position for sustainable growth and success.


The Tampines HealthTech firm was able to balance technical functionality and user-friendly interfaces through Stelo Technology’s user-centric approach. This partnership led to improved user interfaces with functionalities that were tailored to the target demographics. The result was higher retention and satisfaction among users. The collaboration helped the startup to continue its success in the highly competitive HealthTech market.

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